Three DMCA notices were e-mailed / faxed to the following on Friday, January 20, 2012 1. (also faxed) 2. 3. online e-mail form The following is text from entries on Facebook on 01.20.2012 that were reported as "abuse" and removed without warning or ability to object. However, since I have everything saved I am republishing it on my own site instead - because I don't want another designer to ever be "hit" by this individual again - and there are several who still don't realize they already have been.. There are several readers who can verify this is a true and accurate representation of what went down on my Facebook account and the astatalk website Friday, January 20, 2012. My text = black / / her text = red. Publishing direct quotes / comments / works / download links made by the individual in question on a public forum or Facebook page is neither libel / slander when it is republished by another party. Legal note from If what you write embarrasses someone or hurts them, if the facts are the truth, you will not be liable. [ bolding is my emphasis ] If you're a speed-reader and want to skip straight to the part (in the words of her online "friend" on the forum) about when / where / how my Paperie Facebook readers matched her real identity to her online pirate-uploading account, you can find that HERE. ----- Now that our thief has taken her download links down, I'll share her profile where I originally found my files: ----- photog82 pm 21 Jan 2012, 03:54 Done sharing-To many issues arise and I don't want to have to deal with ignorant people/designers. (not talking about the decent people I have corresponded with) ----- She has admitted it in writing! "I am not scared of you, I am not scared of deny sharing your pos work..I won't deny a da** thing." FYI - not really slander or libel when you admit what you've done unapologetically in writing... ----- For posterity / her permanent record, here's a list of all Miss Brittany Davis stole / had up for download: new LPD Aphrodite Textures photog82 ( GraveYard ) new Doodle Tags photog82 ( GraveYard ) new My own texture release photog82 ( GraveYard ) LPD Waterlily Actions photog82 ( GraveYard ) Miss Tiina Frames photog82 ( GraveYard ) Shapes for Designing photog82 ( GraveYard ) Digital Tags & Labels for Designing photog82 ( GraveYard ) new Digital Tape for Designing photog82 ( GraveYard ) House of Three Papers photog82 ( GraveYard ) Weathered Frames photog82 ( GraveYard ) new Clipping Masks photog82 ( Other graphics ) new Katie Pertiet Hung Up Frames 1 & 2 photog82 ( GraveYard ) Holly McCraig Shapes photog82 ( GraveYard ) new KFredricks Fancy Frames & Borders photog82 ( Other graphics ) new Miss Tina Shapes & Packaging Mats photog82 ( Other graphics ) new Katie Pertiert Camera Clusters photog82 ( Other graphics ) new Vera Lim Clipping Masks photog82 ( Other graphics ) Paperie Boutique Entire Store Templates photog82 ( Other graphics ) new Heart Elements for Designing photog82 ( Other graphics, Web-design and Templates ) new × P@per!e B0ut!que Entire Store Templates photog82 ( GraveYard ) new Photography Elements for Designing photog82 ( Web-design and Templates, Other graphics ) new Photogs! I found some FREEBIES! photog82 ( Other graphics ) new × S@ssy Designs Papers photog82 ( GraveYard ) new Christmas Digital Papers & Elements for Designing photog82 ( Web-design and Templates, Other graphics ) ----- In case you had any illusions of feeling sorry for the poor, slighted pirate vs. the big-bad copyright holder...or thinking this was all some big misunderstanding... It was, and still is, not. ![]() This is getting rather interesting I might say....This home girl here RIGHT HERE isn't bothered by any of your BS. Yeah you have a copyright certificate aren't you special, do you want to see mine too. WTF does that do for you nothing. You don't need a certificate to prove copyright. Any image you take is automatically copyrighted. I am not scared of you, I am not scared of deny sharing your pos work..I won't deny a da** thing. Your ranting and raving makes you look pathetic. Since you know SO much about the law, do you know about slander and Libel, if not you better look it up. I've had to deal with it in my area with an organization I run and I win everytime JUST LIKE YOU. SO be very careful what you say and how you defame me because sister I can use the law just like you can. You do not scare me nor anyone, you won't get a damn dime out of my pocket. You want an apology fine, I'm sorry I bought your $5.00 worth of pos materials that were unusable to me so I shared with others who might be able to use it. It all looked like a good deal and looked like good products but I learned I was wrong and I bet the others who downloaded the files thought the same damn thing as we have found better products to use on this site. I think I am the only designer who has ever shared my own products on this site, because I love to give with out a price. I don't live beyond my means, I started all of my business' not because of the money but to help those less fortunate. I'm not married, I don't have a husband paying my bills and I'm a single parent. I don't have all the luxuries as some do, but I have a roof over my head and not because I'm sue happy and like to sue people to pay my bills and give me a huge ego like yourself. I'm not afraid to go public with sharing your files, why because so many others do as well (Including other designers!!!) and I will not allow you to publicly damn me either. I understand you are upset but you've went WAY overboard. I've seen vendors handle these types of situations so much more professional than you have, one of them being Alex Beadon. Your post on FB makes you look like such a fool and shows your true colors of what type of person you really are-I'd hate to pi** you off if I was your kid (poor thing). Threaten all you want but damn me or defame me in public and I'm sorry it'll be the Karma that comes and bites your a** ma'am. We'll see who will be owing who! Everyone from your FB page has been trying so hard to figure out who I am, what I do, what I own and your offering a reward your pathetic. I will be gladly to tell you who I am (all you had to do was ask) My name is Brittany Davis I am 28 years old, I have a 4 year old special needs daughter. I own Candid Memoirs Photography (I'm not a pro), I also own Candid Couture Photography Shoppe which is closed at this time (has been since November bc I am fighting and illness that most wouldn't want to have and I can't keep up with it at this time). I am a native of Texas and Missouri. I perhaps would given you a sincere apology if you were professional at handling your business-however I am unable to do that. I did what you asked but you had to keep on and on-like the pathetic person you are. "I'm not kidding. Want $50? Her head on a plate, please!" WOW that's so professional, I don't even have a comment on that one. All because someone shared a few files of yours (that hardly wasn't even downloaded btw-maybe 6. I'm done with this, but like I said I'd re frame from what you say and post publicly it won't help you in your case. Now does that ("I'm sorry I bought your $5.00 worth of pos materials that were unusable to me so I shared with others who might be able to use it. It all looked like a good deal and looked like good products but I learned I was wrong...") make any sense when paired with this (the page she put my entire store up for download for free): |
That seriously takes some nerve to call a designer's work "pos" and "unusable" after bragging about an "awesome sale" she "couldn't pass up". Much less asking her "peeps" to "share the love" and give her good feedback for it! ----- The last list of identities I'd saved:!/CandidMemoirs!/CandidMemoirs Would I normally turn it into this much of a witch hunt? No. An apology goes along way. But you mock me, take down my friends in the process, and threaten me - I will gut you like a fish. If you don't believe it, you haven't followed me online for the last decade. ----- "I'm sorry I bought your $5.00 worth of pos materials that were unusable to me so I shared with others who might be able to use it." "I'm not afraid to go public with sharing your files, why because so many others do as well (Including other designers!!!) and I will not allow you to publicly damn me either." ----- Let the record show - I have never personally accused her of stealing anything. I have linked to the illegal download links she has provided to others' work. But I would pay good cash-money to see this so-called powerful attorney of hers in action. It will probably go a little something like this: "Ok, so my client blatantly ripped off your copyrighted work - work that was federally registered and included minors - without permission. This caused you to file three DMCA notices with various internet companies and protect your work. You then warned others of the copyrighted works she was sharing illegally in case their work was in the list. We good so far? Now, you then went on your Facebook page and cried 'Nanny nanny boo boo - stick your head in doo doo.' So for that horrible offense, we are suing you for...ONE MILLION DOLLARS! Oh. Wait. You mean she put this in writing? 'I am not scared of you, I am not scared of deny sharing your pos work..I won't deny a da** thing.' Nevermind." ----- "I've printed off EVERYTHING that has been said. SO MANY THINGS that are incorrect information! Everyone of you need to get your facts straight. NONE of my designs are copied from anybodies sh**! You couldn't even get my order right or the downloads right of how many people downloaded that. Only I KNOW!!! I've got your lawyer info, I'll be in contact with them in the morning so they can get in contact with mine. You don't play and neither do I bi***. AND LIKE I SAID BE VERY VERY VERY SELECTIVE IN WHAT YOU SAY-IT CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU. You think your so powerful, but you can't take anything away from me including my business or even my dignity. Reporting my FB pages to FB won't do you any good, I didn't do anything wrong on FB or ETSY for that matter. None of my designs that I make are stolen. And also just another fyi the only thing I did wrong was share files. I have bought or designed everything that I have shared on Asta. Be mad all you want, you have the right to be, but letting your temper get in the way can get your ass in just as much trouble." ----- So would y'all like to see my attorney's handiwork again? Game over, dearest. ----- Legal note from Defamation requires "publication." When you send a defamatory statement about another person to others than the one you are defaming, that constitutes publication. Any every time an email is sent, it is considered a new publication. Every one who has a role in the publication of that email may be liable. You should treat email as any other form of communication. If you do not want others to see what you have written, do not put it in an email. Also keep in mind that the person you send the email to may forward it on to others, who may do likewise. ----- Facebook Direct Messages / e-mails from the account titled "Brittany Davis" (icon not displaying because I blocked her) - ![]() Brittany Davis "Am I to understand correctly from that thread that if you have a special needs child and an illness (and no husband to pay your bills) that it's ok to steal? Anyone else that that away from it? Anyone?" I don't remember saying that was a reason to steal and please remember I didn't steal I shared those who downloaded your products are the ones who stole. I buy items. You wanted to know who I was so I gave you a tid bit of who I am not using ANY OF THAT as an excuse. What I don't understand and maybe you can help me out here is that, you asked me to take down the files, which I did (even the ones I didn't need too) and then you take the drama to your public page to keep ranting, raving, ridiculing, cyber-bullying, and yes using Libel actions because between you and your buddies there is incorrect information and information that defames me as a person as I am a public figure in my community. I admitted my wrong doing yet you keep going on and on. I understand your upset-but it's a bit out of control. I don't believe in handling drama on pages especially business pages (as it was brought to mine) Apparently you do. Reporting me to all these pages or to FB or to whichever doesn't do anything bc I didn't do anything wrong on FB nor photobucket and what ever other pages you reported. I understand copyright very clearly for images, I can save a file or share a photo with people, I can't alter it nor can I claim it as my own and I need to give credit, I didn't go against those terms. If that was the case NO one would be allowed to share any photos on FB or anywhere. I couldn't share a photo that I liked from a photographer to show others etc. Every state has different laws for every situation. Throwing around that you've sued all these people and are a big baller only shows unprofessionalizm Brittany Davis I ask of you to take down all of my links on your page as I have taken all of your links down as you asked. I'm not going to wear a duntz cap or a scarlet letter for this. I will continue to work and do what I do to make a living. I did wrong and I admit it. I won't allow you to continue to damn me. Is it a lesson learned, not really because I knew what I did was wrong. I think what pisses me off more than anything is people saying MY designs are copying others designs. They are not just like you spent 5 years making what you did, I've spent alot of time making what little bit I have designed as well. Now it is up to you if you want me to call your lawyer in the morning or not. I'm not backing down or running away or trying to avoid anything, I'll deal with it. But either you can let this go or we can continue on. Brittany Davis "I will NOT rewrite history and remove anything. It has already been viewed, shared, commented on, Tweeted, and I think even transcribed into Sanskrit too many times to count this evening. You cannot erase history. You can not undo a "done". You can attempt to offer an apology - as much of one as someone is capable of making anyway - brush yourself off, mark the lesson as learned, and move on. And with that said, I will leave you with a DM I just received from an account named "Brittany Davis":" I guess then I shouldn't have removed anything either. Your right you cant undo a "done". I can't offer apologies for someone who has tried their best to belittle me to make themselves feel better about themselves. You took this WAY above and beyond what any other professional would have done. I can deal with the court and lawyer threats as I am prepared-but your right you can't undo the things you said nor the things your friends said either the assumptions the humiliation and defamation of my character. I admitted my wrong doing several times-you haven't. I did what you wanted me to do and that still wasn't good enough, you had to continue to bully the situation. At this point we both did a wrong. Your not the type to apologize and I'm not the type to apologize to people of your nature and that includes your buddies as well for the things they said and assumed of me as well. Many false statements were wrote-I moved on awhile back, you didn't get to me like you wanted too. Your a strong opinionated person and so am I. You have met your match. "Jenice Danforth Ray wrote- what a horrible apology? Is this for real? 'I'm sorry because I don't want to get in trouble and I will admit that I did wrong so you won't go after me but at the end I feel like I have to say the last word.... " Your buddies didn't get the full message-but then again they don't seem to understand much anyways it wouldn't have helped-they think one sided...Never did I say I couldn't face the fact of getting in "Trouble" I made it VERY clear I'm not running anywhere, you can come after me all you want...I'll be waiting, but like I said I'll make the first phone call to save you the time, I'll gladly welcome you to Missouri You deleted ALL of your comments on Asta which was expected-so I'll need your lawyers information by morning. You didn't offer a nice solution so we shall do it your way But don't get to excited on getting a new house. Go ahead and put this one on your page too so you can get sympathy and pats on the back-your going to need them. Robyn L. Pollman No, YOU took this above and beyond. You stole my work and then you reported me for the privilege of having my work stolen. This is not over. It could have been - but you chose to follow an apology with another attack. And if you want a legal battle, you got it. I told my attorney to hold off last night after your "apology" because I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. There is no more doubt. You make one more move. You post one more thing. You file one more report. And I swear with every fiber of my being that I will be holding a check from you in my hands for this. You do NOT realize who you've decided to mess with, and it would be in your best interest to do a little internet research of my legal track record - and my attorney's background and legal record - before you fire off one more volley. Robyn L. Pollman For the record, I didn't delete a thing on Asta - I haven't been there since my last comment. If it got deleted, it was deleted by someone else or a mod. I don't use that place. I don't know how it works. And I really don't care. I had nothing to hide. I have nothing to hide. And you have no legal leg to stand on. Brittany Davis I know how it works and if a mod deleted it, they say so.HOWEVER you just expected me to whine and cry and your first message to me was nothing but hateful, no one would reply back nicely. Like I said I admitted my wrong and NO ma'am you WENT above and beyond with defamation and several libel statements publicly, if you have ANY background in legal track you should know you shoulda have kept your mouth shut and only talk to your lawyer BUT no you had to make yourself look big and bad. In Missouri items published on the internet can be used against you and I will counter-sue I've got more than one leg to stand on. I'll deal with the court system quicker than you will. You would have had a better leg to stand on yourself if you would have SHUT UP. I WILL not stop reporting you and your friends and their false statements that are harming my character and threatening if you all keep continuing. No ONE has done that to you. You had a misunderstanding-I didn't apologize, I just recognized my wrong doings. I refuse to apologize to someone who has done worse than what I have done. Threatening me does nothing but hurt you and will hurt you in a court of law. You still haven't gave me your lawyers information, I have your address according to your Fliker account if this correct. I'm not going to do ANY research on you because that won't affect my decisions. You are NOT high than thou OR ANYONE. I don't care what you have won, that doesn't affect anything. Those aren't my cases. I need your lawyers info stat, because I'm headed to the court house and my lawyers office. If you don't want to handle it over-I'm sure it can be found out the hard way. ----- UPDATE: 2:15 a.m. EST on Sunday, January 22, 2012 - I have discovered more designers that had their work stolen / shared by this individual on her astatalk account. They are listed below. If you know these designers PLEASE inform them their work has been stolen! Some links of note that were still online / active at the time of this update: (user download releases) (download releases / download requests / threads) (user posts including download releases) (individual store download) (individual store download) Use the first two links above to find more links to individual pages... photog82 pm 21 Jan 212, 3:54 ! # release: Paperie Boutique Entire Store Templates Done sharing-To many issues arise and I don't want to have to deal with ignorant people/designers. (not talking about the decent people I have corresponded with) photog82 pm 21 Jan 212, 3:4 ! # release: Holly McCraig Shapes I'm all smiles and grins. It's not my fault people can't understand, all we can do is pray. photog82 pm 21 Jan 212, 3:37 ! # release: Holly McCraig Shapes Btw I fixed the release so you can have the credit photog82 pm 21 Jan 212, 3:28 ! # release: My own texture release Done sharing-To many issues arise and I don't want to have to deal with ignorant people/designers. (not talking about the decent people I have corresponded with) 1 photog82 pm 21 Jan 212, 3:8 ! # release: Holly McCraig Shapes Thank GOD! photog82 pm 21 Jan 212, 3:4 ! # release: My own texture release bytw-I explained above why I removed the first time I posted them to begin with. I use these textures alot in my photos and wanted to make them available again for those who want to try them out and see if they like them. I won't pose copyright issues on myself..haha My other release though from Paperie Boutique have been reported-she's harassing me as I speak. photog82 pm 21 Jan 212, 2:13 ! # release: My own texture release @onelovegirlz I created these using Photoshop CS5 (whoa I bought that too!) you have to know how to use layers, colors, and brushes. It's like creating your own painting. photog82 pm 21 Jan 212, 2:11 ! # release: My own texture release @Shutterblog I put mine up here, I don't mind sharing-and I didn't steal what I post I bought them and no blackenednight I will choose to stay anonymous, you can name them whatever you'd like 1 photog82 pm 2 Jan 212, 23:3 ! # release: Clipping Masks I double checked. I didn't download any "Masks" from lysaisme. She must have collected some of the same ones that I have. I went and gave you a + on your release though, because you deserve it. If you feel that I did wrong by releasing some of the same ones that you have on your computer that you have shared. I deeply apologize for the inconvience. Next time you have an issue with me or any of my releases you'll need to pm me, because as of right now this is all SPAMMING!!! @ Dynna don't worry I'm always happy go lucky photog82 pm 2 Jan 212, 22:39 ! # release: Clipping Masks And one more note: Did you ever stop and think that maybe I had these masks before you but hadn't shared them yet. I only shared them because I was asked too. I feel like someone is a little upset and I've seen you cause issues with other members in the past and have left rude comments on shares of mine in the past as well. I think it's time you watch "Bambi". Have a great day! photog82 pm 2 Jan 212, 22:36 ! # release: Clipping Masks First and foremost, you need to check your sources! Not all of those are YOURS. I added them into a folder with ALL the other ones I had. Because someone had requested clipping masks in a pm message to me. If you want to get technical I know math and can tell you how many are "yours" and how many are mine that I purchased and shared. Your not upsetting anybody but yourself and I have no clue what you are talking about with your other message?? I'll be back in a bit, I've got some calculations to do on who's is who's, since someone is upset. Besides no matter who's masks they are technically they are neither of ours last time I checked. photog82 pm 2 Jan 212, 22:3 ! # release: Holly McCraig Shapes Don't put a manance on all Asta friends. If you will not be enough satified of all the feed backs, than don't share, it's only up to you I'm not a menace on ALL Asta memebers, only leechers or those who don't like me but sure can download my shares. I share because I download items from others as well and give them + for appreciation. Maybe Asta should just do away with the + and just let us say "Thanks". photog82 pm 2 Jan 212, 22:26 ! # release: Holly McCraig Shapes Miss Lysaime I'm not a + sign addicted person. It just shows appreciation. People such as leechers could at least give a +. Especially for this share here there has been over 2 downloads and only 6+ which are considered a thank you. It's the nice thing to do. + signs are considered feedback, not giving a + or any kind of feedback is considered leechers in my aspects. I'm not crying in anyway-I'm standing up for those of us who are tired of the leechers and unappreciative people. If I cared or was crying about not getting the + then NO I wouldn't keep sharing, but I am. Because I enjoy sharing with those who are appreciative. Pretty much 99% of my shares are items I have purchased myself. I'm just trying to get the point across that it isn't that da*m hard to give the person who shares a da** + sign. Sorry if that upsets you that I make that apparent to those who would like the items I share. Am I getting a prize for the most +'s NO, but since we can't say THANK YOU because that's considered the so called spamming, it's the least someone can do. It shows that someone appreciates your share and it makes us to want to share more. I'm satisfied with those who have + my share or who have sent me a pm to let me know they appreciate it, I'm not satisfied with leechers who do NOTHING but sit and collect and show no appreciation. Can it be stopped, no but hopefully in the future Asta will come up with something to stop the leeching-their good at making rules, maybe they can figure that one out. photog82 pm 19 Jan 212, 7:23 ! # release: Birdesign Photoshop frames The photo previews in asta today aren't working. I've been posting releases all day and have had to go through photobucket to get a preview of the photos...hopefully they start working again soon. photog82 pm 19 Jan 212, 4:35 ! # request: clipping masks Link released------------------------------> photog82 pm 18 Jan 212, 22:23 ! # release: Holly McCraig Shapes People keep on not respecting or showing appreciation for our shares there won't be any shares anymore from anyone. I know I'm not the only one who is tired of it. I have spent all day today organizing and sharing...and it urks the sh** out of me! I've got one or two more shares I'm going to release and then I'll just be like everyone else and leech although at least I can leave a da** + sign!! 8 photog82 pm 18 Jan 212, 22:6 ! # release: Holly McCraig Shapes 11+ and 23 sad people! I give + to everyone that I download from. Is your fingers lazy or what??!! 2 photog82 pm 18 Jan 212, 19:55 ! # release: Vera Lim Clipping Masks Thank YOU! I try to keep things organized on this computer as much as possible but it's actually a wreck! lol I thought the folder looked a little off like I was missing thank you very much for fixing that 3 photog82 pm 18 Jan 212, 19:37 ! # release: Vera Lim Clipping Masks I've got more clipping masks uploading at the moment. They are not vera though, but still some nice ones 3 photog82 pm 18 Jan 212, 18:21 ! # release: Paperie Boutique Entire Store Templates fit to print 13 is the file name 3 photog82 pm 18 Jan 212, 18:11 ! # release: Paperie Boutique Entire Store Templates I'm looking 4 photog82 pm 18 Jan 212, 17:9 ! # request: Clickin moms BTW Yellow Sky Actions has started a FREE photographers forum (just got the email about it) link 11 photog82 pm 18 Jan 212, 17:2 ! # request: Clickin moms Here you go dear Mediafire Folder 3 photog82 pm 18 Jan 212, 17: ! # request: Clickin moms LucyDog7 this is just a picture of what I have. I am uploading them to mediafire right 4 photog82 pm 18 Jan 212, 16:36 ! # request: Clickin moms When I was a member (yes they are expensive) I saved several of their pages so I could look back at them later here is what I have: What you do is right click on the one you want to view and choose your choice of browser and then bam that page opens for you. 1 photog82 pm 17 Jan 212, 2:28 ! # release: Yellow Sky Actions Yep they downloaded for me beautifully 1 photog82 pm 17 Jan 212, 2:25 ! # request: clipping masks I've got tons of clipping masks. Some by Vera and others. Give me until this evening and I'll get them uploaded for you photog82 pm 15 Jan 212, 18:53 ! # release: Melissa Davis Designs Would anyone be willing to re-upload these files to mediafire possibly. My Filesonic premium account ran out and I can't re do it at this time. The other files that were shared are dead links I tried all the file sources. I'd be so grateful if someone would be willing to do that. Thank You (I did download the Valentines Templates) photog82 pm 2 Jan 212, 2:37 ! # release: Christmas Digital Papers & Elements for Designing I fixed the link. 2photog82 pm 1 Jan 211, 2:41 ! # release: Christmas Digital Papers & Elements for Designing I'll check on it. I apologize. photog82 pm 3 Dec 211, 2:5 ! # release: Christmas Digital Papers & Elements for Designing Alright, all links above have been fixed. Per embedupload links are available for 33 days. That would be the reason maybe why they weren't available. photog82 pm 29 Dec 211, 22:57 ! # release: Christmas Digital Papers & Elements for Designing I'm going to re-up them to mediafire. I didn't delete anything and I checked filesonic and all my files are gone and they aren't even showing in Mediafire, it's very odd! So give me just a little bit and I'll get these re-upped for you. I apologize for this. 1photog82 pm 29 Dec 211, 22:55 ! # release: S@ssy Designs Papers A sale is a sale and she always has awesome sales unlike most. I just read where DA is having a 15% off sale! Are you kidding me, I wouldn't even waste my time-their prices are so high anyways 15% off wouldn't make much of a difference. Now Melissa Davis Designs she does a 75% off sale for two days each month and she does have some cute designs (and isn't really expensive like DA). Anywho I'm going to go check out this sale at Sassy photog82 pm 27 Dec 211, 22:19 ! # release: S@ssy Designs Papers I bought alot of what I have when she did a 25 cent sale a few months back! I wish she'd do that photog82 pm 27 Dec 211, :4 ! # release: S@ssy Designs Papers Here is the link that will take you to the file folder that contains S@ssy Design items and there is also a sub-folder within this folder with just the S@ssy papers (it is still uploading a few paper packs-it's almost finished-but most are ready to be downloaded). If you have any problems with downloading just let me know. 7photog82 pm 26 Dec 211, 6:36 ! # release: S@ssy Designs Papers I'm re-organizing my Sassy Papers right now (there are TONS) All these uploads will probably take all night just an fyi. But I'll post the links as soon as their finshed Lots of goodies coming 5photog82 pm 26 Dec 211, 5:13 ! # release: S@ssy Designs Papers I also have the Parfait marketing Kit and all the Gallery Wall Guides. I'm uploading to Mediafire right now. 5photog82 pm 26 Dec 211, 5:3 ! # release: S@ssy Designs Papers 5photog82 pm 26 Dec 211, 5:2 ! # release: S@ssy Designs Papers 5photog82 pm 26 Dec 211, 5: ! # release: S@ssy Designs Papers 5photog82 pm 26 Dec 211, 4:57 ! # release: S@ssy Designs Papers Hope I'm not too late in letting you in on what I have. Instead of posting each name I did a screen shot of what I have (this does not include paper packs). So you don't re-buy anything that someone already has. 3photog82 pm 25 Dec 211, 11:27 ! # release: S@ssy Designs Papers I'm sorry..I re-up them tomorrow photog82 pm 29 Nov 211, 3:38 ! # release: eyecandy overlays - saltwater album Would someone be so kind to download it and then re-up it using another program like mediafire-filesonic or whichever. I have premium accounts with filesonic, mediafire and 4shared. I'd greatly appreciate it photog82 pm 26 Nov 211, 21:38 ! # release: Christmas Digital Papers & Elements for Designing It may to late (maybe) to use them this year...but you'll have them for next year I never got around to designing christmas cards this year-so I figured I might as well share what I have-it's just sitting here in a folder looking photog82 pm 21 Nov 211, 7:32 ! # release: Crazybooth PDF "CRAZYBOOTH manual is copyright the image is found...please do not copy, share, or distribute...or we'll hunt you down and fart on your face." LMAO-their going to come and fart on your face! ----- UPDATE: 6:25 a.m. EST on Sunday, January 22, 2012 - here are even more designers that had their work stolen / shared by this individual at her astatalk account. They are listed below with links to the images on her account. These images were used to "advertise" each of the downloads she was making available for free. If you know these designers PLEASE inform them their work has been stolen! No designer should sell to this individual in the future - she will just "share" it on free download sites after purchase. la Pomme Design Valentina's Creations Joyful Heart Design Coffee Shop ----- UPDATE: 8:25 p.m. EST on Sunday, January 22, 2012 - go ahead and report LPD's Facebook posts / try to get them removed all you want, thief - they aren't leaving the Internet! From La Pomme Design's Facebook wall (removed by Facebook, but the shared copy on my Facebook page is screencapped below): "Thank you to everyone who has let me know that my designs were shared illegally and stolen by Brittany Davis of Candid Memoirs Photography. Ironically, she won a contest held on this FB page to win the Shoppe, and received over $1200 in products from me for FREE, and thanked me profusely in a very long email saying how she has had such a hard life and how thankful she was to get the Shoppe for free - and then had the nerve to share my designs on a file-sharing website so they could be STOLEN. This is just a reminder that designers and photographers alike spend time on their designs and deserve to profit on them - but with people like Brittany Davis, hard-working business owners will have to fight harder to stay afloat and to protect their business. If you are a designer, please go to to see if your designs were shared and stolen, too. Thank you Robyn, for your diligence in letting designers know about this." ![]() ----- UPDATE: 8:55 p.m. EST on Sunday, January 22, 2012 - someone didn't erase their trail very well. I guess their mommy never told them that it's not nice to steal from others and then complain that no one is giving you enough "thank you's" and "+" signs for doing it. One more time with full knowledge by my attorney... Publishing direct quotes / comments / works / download links made by the individual in question on a public forum or Facebook page is neither libel / slander when it is republished by another party. Legal note from If what you write embarrasses someone or hurts them, if the facts are the truth, you will not be liable. [ bolding is my emphasis ] Brittany Davis shared a link. 2 hours ago Now I'm being told I have shared her files as well....False & Altered information...The person spreading such false information is in for a rude awakening. Even though I didn't SHARE any of Holly's items at least she was PROFESSIONAL about how she felt about it. I just really wish these designers would really investigate and have proof that their items where shared from "ME" before they believe someone that has gathered false information. Because letting my name out on false information is counted as a Libel statement and is defaming my character and business. SO now I have to add another person to my list and I really liked her. Robyn is causing alot of issues for other designers that weren't affected. |
From: photog82 pm 23 Jan 2012, 02:57 ! " # FTP programs maybe..emailing....NOT saying that I will be participating in such activity.. just giving ideas to everyone..Piracy is a hard battle to fight. Even if we aren't doing it-someone else is two steps ahead and will find ways. ----- |
From: photog82 pm 30 Dec 2011, 20:15 ! " # Thats right-she/they are truly adored, therefore she/they should reward their customers with a little more than only 15% OFF! That is ridiculous-other designers that are just as good as DA have done better sales than that. But that is just my opinion-I'll be passing this sale up-I own enough DA products anyways thanks to the people of Astalk. Besides I'm broke after Christmas anyways and 15% off isn't going to save me much. ![]() From: photog82 pm 20 Jan 2012, 22:26 ! " # Miss Lysaime I'm not a + sign addicted person. It just shows appreciation. People such as leechers could at least give a +. Especially for this share here there has been over 200 downloads and only 60+ which are considered a thank you. It's the nice thing to do. + signs are considered feedback, not giving a + or any kind of feedback is considered leechers in my aspects. I'm not crying in anyway-I'm standing up for those of us who are tired of the leechers and unappreciative people. If I cared or was crying about not getting the + then NO I wouldn't keep sharing, but I am. Because I enjoy sharing with those who are appreciative. Pretty much 99% of my shares are items I have purchased myself. I'm just trying to get the point across that it isn't that da*m hard to give the person who shares a da** + sign. Sorry if that upsets you that I make that apparent to those who would like the items I share. Am I getting a prize for the most +'s NO, but since we can't say THANK YOU because that's considered the so called spamming, it's the least someone can do. It shows that someone appreciates your share and it makes us to want to share more. I'm satisfied with those who have + my share or who have sent me a pm to let me know they appreciate it, I'm not satisfied with leechers who do NOTHING but sit and collect and show no appreciation. Can it be stopped, no but hopefully in the future Asta will come up with something to stop the leeching-their good at making rules, maybe they can figure that one out. ----- From: |
Yet another member (StealthWeather) of the forum confirming the pirate-forum ID matched the real-life identity. Third verse, same as the first... Legal note from If what you write embarrasses someone or hurts them, if the facts are the truth, you will not be liable. [ bolding is my emphasis ] ----- |
From: photog82 pm 05 Jan 2012, 21:05 ! " # I wonder how many of them complain about their products being shared and then turn around and see a product by another designer that they don't have and download it. Pretty much most of the time items being shared are expensive, SO maybe the designers need to re-think their pricing method and then they might not see their products being shared because we can AFFORD it. I wonder if she takes this theory into practice for her photography clients and her session fees / print prices? ----- By the way, when you hear her tales online about how "mean" I was when I confronted her with the theft, here are my first two comments on the forum. (Both circled in red from shutterblog and tampatantrum - I had to get a second username because my first was blocked / banned from immediately after I posted my first comment.) |
"Way to take something nice...and turn it into something illegal." "And I will - and DO - protect my clients at all costs." Yes, I was SO out of line! And note her initial reaction - no apology as she claimed. "Good luck", "will never stop it" and "woo". Yes, she was very humble and apologetic. (And that was the nice reply!) ----- |